Transform Individuals, Transform Organizations and Transform Nation

Amazing Acharyas (Our Faculty Transformation Program)

    • Do my Faculty Members know the larger paradigms of their profession?
    • Are my Faculty Members teaching my students to the best of their abilities?
    •  Are my Faculty Members creative enough to engage the entire classroom?
    • Do my Faculty Members command LRT (Love, Respect and Trust) from my students?

    If your answer is NO to at least one of the above questions, you may need to give a serious look at your Faculty’s Effectiveness because your entire purpose may be defeated as other NOs will crop up with time.

  • We work on Faculty Members to make them attitudinally fit to take up higher roles and responsibilities in future.
  • Empowered Faculties attract LRT (Love, Respect, and Trust) from the students.
  • Our Purpose is to enhance positivity, confidence, cooperation, coordination and the ability to inspire students, so that both faculties and students can benefit to a higher degree.
  • By actualizing the habit of helping, caring, sharing, taking responsibilities and rising together in better performance and positivity,
    their contribution to the growth of students and the educational institution gets enhanced exponentially.
  • Our Program involves simple but powerful experiential learning tools facilitating Creative Learning.
  • Boosted self-confidence and motivation.
  • Better communication and listening abilities.
  • Better relations with students facilitating their enhanced performance.
  • Augmented positivity in content delivery.
  • Enhanced Group productivity and performance.
  • Enhanced morality and values reflecting in people’s thoughts, words and deeds, which can be transferred to students.
  • Better personal and family life (individual benefit).
  • Increased job involvement resulting in better efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Enhanced pride towards the job.
  •  Enhanced acceptance and agreement.
  •  Better handling of emotions.
  • Commanding LRT (Love, Respect, and Trust) from the students.
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