Transform Individuals, Transform Organizations and Transform Nation

Our Philosophy

“God Does not throw garbage of Earth” – an ancient Sufi Saying

Ascent believes that every human born on earth has unlimited potentiality by design, to achieve greatness, but many do not realize this. What is needed is a suitable catalyst to unfurl the underlying potentiality. School and College education system does only a small part of it but to a greater extent this has to happen through specially designed models. Once an individual connects to his/her inner realm of hidden potentiality, then he/she can accelerate in both external excellence such as productivity, efficiency and effectiveness and also in emotional excellence such as Self- confidence, equanimity, steadfastness, courage, Self-discipline, focus, positive thinking etc. People can better empathize with others and exhibit appreciation, helping, caring and gratitude.

Ascent strives to be that catalyst to serve people to attain that inner transformation and achieve their true potential to reach a level what they are destined to be.

Our Vision

♦ Enhancing Quality of Life of people through rising their Leadership and Emotional Excellence.

Our Mission

♦ Positively Impact as many lives as possible and Transform People, Transform Organizations, Transform Communities, Transform Societies and Transform Nations to reach their best.

Our Belief

♦ People’s thoughts, words, emotions, actions and approaches greatly depend on their own mental conditioning hardwired in them. Naturally, these are the factors that shape one’s life and destiny. We, Ascent, strive to re-engineer that mental conditioning to push open the limiting factors. This also transforms the way they see themselves and the way they see others and hence as a result, this transforms the way others see them.

Our Process

♦ Ascent adopts the Ancient Vedantic Process of attaining Excellence. The Process involves three steps:-


Ascent’s Programs are designed in such a way so that the participants travel through the steps of excellence to reach the desired level of Mastery.

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