Transform Individuals, Transform Organizations and Transform Nation

Project Svyam

Project SVYAM


Enhancing the Leadership Qualities, Good Values, and Characters of economically weaker college students from rural areas to make them more vibrant and shine in any roles they get and serve as good Leadership assets to the organizations they join as employees or in any endeavour they undertake.  By and Large, this project strives to create future leaders for our Nation.

Importance of the Project:

India is seen as a promising economic power by other major nations of the world. Entities in several leading nations like America, Canada, France, Germany, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea and Australia want to invest in India. This will result in several multinational organizations starting their manufacturing facilities and operations in India. This will further open up the flood gates of job opportunities. Adding to this, our own Indian organizations are showing not only signs of revival, but also multiplication of their businesses adding new capacities. Adding to this is the growing opportunities for Start-ups. This scenario will need a different breed of leaders. But is India equipped for such a scenario? Surely, India is one of the youngest nations in the world with largest youth population. But is our youth readily employable? Especially, most of the youth population lack key leadership traits, that are most required not only for employment and but also for performance excellence in any endeavour they undertake. . And adding to the challenge is, a huge quantum of youths is from rural background. They clearly lack personality traits like positivity, vision for future, communication, interpersonal skills, etiquettes, team building, team working, self-discipline, dedication, right thinking, creativity and ideas etc. With lack of affordability both from the student’s side and also from the educational institution they belong to, such High end Leadership Training Programs do not reach many rural colleges. So, Project SVYAM gains lot of importance here as it aims at imparting the required leadership training to the students from rural colleges and awakens their Self to the highest potential.  And this is offered COST-FREE to the students as most of them are from economically weaker society.

What is Project SVYAM?

Project SVYAM is an extended, modified and customized model of one of the most successful Leadership Training Programs, AWAKE that has been tested for over 6 Years in leading organizations across multiple functions including Engineering, Textile Processing, Retail, Print Media, Agro, Electronics, Non-Banking Finance etc. The organizations that got their employees trained in AWAKE have experienced tremendous positive impact in terms of productivity and revenue.

Hence Project SVYAM, with fullest understanding of Human Excellence requirements concerning to Leadership mindset, is attempting to train rural students as “Future Leaders” and “Employment Ready”, so that not only they have increased chances of quicker employment but also, they can shine better in whatever endeavour they undertake and add to the overall performance excellence of our Nation. And hence, Project SVYAM is attempting to solve one of the nation’s biggest, but less attended challenges, i.e. LEADERSHIP SHORTAGE.

Sustenance Plan:

  • To begin with, 12 Sessions of SVYAM Leadership Program (1 Day per week for 12 weeks) shall be imparted to the students. Every batch is limited to 30 participants.
  • Next, a database of students who completed the SVYAM Leadership Training shall be maintained. All those students shall be held in contact loops through Chat media groups.
  • Telephonic / Video counseling shall be organized with them from time to time to address their career needs
  • Their areas of interest shall be identified through these counseling and they shall be motivated continuously to progress towards their aspirations
  • All required inputs regarding their area of interest such as learning sources, information sources, expert guidance in respective fields of interests etc. shall be made available to the students
  • The students shall also be exposed to job opportunities in their respective areas of interests
  • In case, if a student wants to start her/ his own venture, guidance in those areas like source for investments, technical knowhow, business expertise etc. shall also be made available to them
  • The target is to enable the students to get what they want, within a period of 1 Year from the date of completion of program
  • To strengthen the sustenance and to reach more students, Train the Trainers programs shall be organized and those who qualify shall be certified as SVYAM Trainers.

Benefits of Project SVYAM

  • The Organization gets a viable, CSR compliant project to support and hence fulfils its CSR liability of the year
  • The Organization derives the benefit of supporting a project of National Importance
  • The Organization’s brand image can enhanced because of supporting the development of rural and economically backward students
  • The Organization can also consider recruiting Manpower from the trained batch of students, so that they get candidates who have “employment ready” attitude
  • The Institution which is located in the rural area gets access to high quality Leadership Training for their students, and hence their core purpose of producing employable students with Vibrant Leadership Quality is fulfilled
  • The Institutions also gets the brand advantage by partnering in this important project
  • The Institution also gets access to corporate organization through this project which can potentially recruit its students
  • The Students who are mostly economically backward and who cannot afford high end Leadership Training will get benefitted Cost-free and get opportunity to shape themselves as Vibrant Leaders which will be life transforming for them.
  • The students become more employable or even entrepreneurial
  • Both Standard of life and Quality of life of the students will be enhanced to a greater extent
  • A very important challenge of our Nation, which has the largest Youth population in the world, gets addressed
  • At least, our Nation gets a real, workable, sustainable idea from this project, on how to psychologically prepare the youth population for contributing more towards the National vision.
  • This project may be replicated throughout the Nation in future to reach our National objective of 5 Trillion Economy sooner than predicted and become Vishwa Guru, once again.
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