Transform Individuals, Transform Organizations and Transform Nation



    • Are your students emotionally strong?
    • Are your students having reasonable focus in the classroom?
    • Are your students confident in facing the exams?
    • Are your students having LRT (Love, Respect, and Trust) towards your faculties?
    • Are your students having reasonably good behavior in the classroom and outside?
    • Are your students engaging positively with their parents
    • Are your students having reasonable social consciousness
    • Are your students having clarity towards their future?

If your answer is NO to at least one of the above questions, you may need to give a serious look .

  1. RISING THOUGHTS is a well crafted Training Program to fill several missing links of the mainstream Academia.
  2. RISING THOUGHTS can help your students and hence your Institution to address several key factors which are essential but remaining majorly unaddressed.
  3. RISING THOUGHTS thus can help to reduce your stress and strains regarding your students and help your institution to get positive endorsement from the parents of your students.

Expected Outcome:

  1. Learning the Power of Unity and Camaraderie.
  2. Enhancing Listening Skills.
  3.  Experiencing the Strength of Helping Hands.
  4. Effective Planning for achieving Success in any endeavor.
  5. Developing stronger communication skills.
  6. Experiencing the need for Respecting the Teachers and parents.

Expected Outcome:

  1. Developing Focus and increasing Attention Span.
  2. Developing Self Confidence and Learning ways of Self Motivation.
  3. Learning Memory Skills and Mind Mapping.
  4. Exploring the Fields of Best Interest and Best Ability.
  5. Experiencing ways to Relax well and maintaining Body Energy.
  6. Reengineering Sleep duration and learning ways for experiencing Deep Sleep in short duration.

Expected Outcome:

  1. Ways to learn with interest and commitment.
  2. Gearing the Mind for bigger challenges.
  3. Learning to see bigger picture.
  4. Learning Steps for Goal setting and achieving the Goals.
  5. Developing Mental strength and confidence.

Expected Outcome:

  1. Discovering Niche Potential.
  2. Developing a Mission Statement for life.
  3. Learning ways to choose the right course for graduation.
  4. Learning ways to develop will power, confidence and courage.
  5. Learning ways to develop unaltered focus.
  6. Learning through sharing.
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