Transform Individuals, Transform Organizations and Transform Nation

Corporate Leadership Excellence

Manpower is the backbone of any organization. Several organizations find it challenging to bring the best performance out of their employees in terms of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Over and above, the prevailing negative mindset, pessimism, procrastination, lack of focus, disengagement, ego factors and finger pointing etc pile up even more challenges for any organization. In the most competitive business environment, the readiness of the workforce to stand up to the challenge, commitment, involvement, taking and owning responsibilities, staying positive and optimistic, adapting to changes, engaging as teams, aligning personal goals to organizational goals etc are critically important.

In order to achieve this, it is very vital for any organization to motivate and empower people at every level. To help the organization to meet their Human challenges, Ascent has developed and in widely imparting three levels of Leadership Excellence programs

ASCENT’S ARISE-Leadership Blueprint is mainly for Operator Level People to make them attitudinally fit to take up higher roles and responsibilities in future. Happy workers form happy organization. The main purpose of ARISE is to enhance positivity, confidence, cooperation, coordination etc. so that people can work together happily, helping each other, caring, sharing, taking responsibilities and arising together as a workforce of better productivity and positivity, thereby enhancing their contribution to the organizational growth. ARISE involves simple but powerful experiential learning tools suitable for the specified levels.

Schedule: 4 – 6 Full Day sessions @ One day per week


Boosted self-confidence and motivation

Better communication and listening abilities

Better relations with co-employees facilitating ease of working together

Augmented positivity at work

Enhanced team productivity and performance

Enhanced morality and values reflecting in people’s thoughts, words and deeds

Better personal and family life

Increased work involvement resulting in better efficiency, effectiveness and lower defect levels

Enhanced pride towards the job and organization

Enhanced acceptance and agreement which results in less conflicts or violence

ASCENT’S AWAKE-Leadership Launchpad caters to the levels of Supervisors, Officers, and Assistant Managers and people who are newly promoted to such position, future leaders etc. This level holds the key for sustenance of an organization and also, they are the next gen leaders. It is imperative that they awaken to the present and future organizational challenges and better equip themselves for taking more responsibilities. Having a pool of such future-ready leaders is a great strength for any organization. AWAKE comes with more challenging experiential learning modules apt for the specified level, with more focus on self-reflection, mind quality, communication, people skills, team playing and team building and better ways for achieving an objective. Few small-team projects that involve identification of a challenge, data collection, data analysis and solution generation using idea generation tools is an integral part of AWAKE.

Schedule: 4- 6 Full Day sessions @ One day per week

Expected Outcomes

Enhanced awareness of one’s own strengths and potential

Better understanding of subordinates and hence better relationship

Enhanced people skills like communication, appreciation, motivation, guidance and mentoring

Enhanced capacity to build new teams or boosting existing team performance

Better adaptability to changes

Augmented capacity to identify talents in subordinates and help them to nurture

Transition from “Doer” to “Leader”

Developing “Achiever” mindset to fulfill the objectives successfully overcoming the challenges

Better management of time and resources

Hands on experience of proven approaches to problem-solving and improving quality of work and services

Enhances creativity and Idea generation through Mind Techniques

ASCENT’S ATTAIN – LEADERSHIP MASTERY caters to the level of Functional Heads, Department Heads and Entrepreneurs  etc.

This  level requires top notch Leadership Qualities as they hold the key positions of managing larger teams of people. This level also holds the position of strategic importance which decides the fate of any organization. They play key role in keeping the teams intact with high morality and motivation in any situation thereby guiding towards the desired goals. This level has greater administrative power  and if it is put to rightful use, not only their performance but also the performance of entire organization zooms. For  this ATTAIN – Leadership Mastery serves a great purpose

Schedule: 2 Full Days (6 Effective Training Hours each day)

Expected Outcomes

Learning Ways to enhance LRT (Love, Respect and Trust) of subordinates and hence bettering relationship

Better Balance of Emotions and Enhancing Positive Emotions

Bettering Adaptability to changes and new opportunities

Enhanced Creativity and Out of Box Thinking

Augmented People -Skills like better Communication, better Presentation, extending Appreciation and Motivation, Guidance and Mentoring

Learning Ways to Assess Performance of the Subordinates and plan right work delegation

Learning Interesting ways to Unambiguous Thinking and Group Decisions

Exploration into ways to conduct Effective and Productive Team Meetings

EMPLOYEE 2.0 is a Crash Course on Leadership, Positivity, Productivity, Team Synergy, Creativity and Idea Generation. Ideally suited for anyone whom the organization deems important as a growth pillar

Many a times, organizations require some profound changes to happen in quick time. For that to happen, they need a different league of thought- process, behavior, teamwork, commitment, responsibility, steadfastness and ideas from their existing employees. EMPLOYEE 2.0 fits that exact need. This crash course shall bring plenty of hidden potentiality out of the employees and shows how better they can improve themselves by enhancing their application of those discovered capabilities.

Schedule: 2 Full Days (7 Effective Training Hours each day)

Expected Outcomes

Quick shift to Positive Mindset

Enhanced Team Synergy

Learning Data Driven work methodology

Unleashed Creativity

Enhanced Self-confidence

Augmented Clarity in Communication

Discovering the Continuous Improvement Attitude

Learning Key Qualities to motivate others and improve Interpersonal Relationship

Learning the Key Idea Generation Tool to bring out multiple viable ideas to solve problems

Improved Presentation ability

Learning to deconstruct a problem into various steps and take up responsibilities individually and collectively

ASCENT’S IDEA TRIGGER is a very uniquely designed impactful program that gives immense results directly at the conclusion of the program. Ideally suited for Supervisory and middle management and those who directly encounters a problem

It is said, we have to search where we lost. It is believed, people who directly encounter a problem has the solution within them. Instead of bringing high-ticket consultants  from outside to solve internal problems of the organization or to do any improvement, it is always wise to tap the internal resources, which is more effective and at almost zero cost. All it needs is a positive undisturbed ambience and  few psychological idea generation tools to bring out astounding   ideas from the existing employees.

Schedule: 2 Full Days (7 Effective Training Hours each day)

Expected Outcomes

Highly charged and Motivated Employees

A bunch of ideas to solve existing problems or to reach developmental goals of the organization

Enhanced Commitment and Voluntariness to execute the ideas

Learning ways how to sustain this supercharged mindset

Learning powerful idea generation tools to bring out individual and collective ideas for solving future challenges

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